I am a black African woman, born and bred and my real natural hair is as wild and untamed as the genetic gene that designed them. It's black, tight and curly and impossible to comb in normal conditions. It's my constant struggle to keep it under control. It's not fair, cause Caucasian men and woman have soft, finger running hair that flows ever so gently in the wind. Mine, neither moves nor is it finger running and even when it is all done and looking good my man knows; Don't ever touch a black woman's hair... Ever!
Tip 1: I just spent two and a half hours in the hair salon. I don't you being all romantic and creative with my hair.Why is there so much drama about black African hair?
Tip 2: If you have ethnic hair you know what I'm talking about. If you don't, welcome, because I am about to tell you, everything1. What is black hair?

Tip 3: So my dear readers don't ask your colleague why their hair is oily. Its just conditioned...but if it is drenching in oil like a bad Rick James video. It's time to intervene. This is not the 80's.2. Why I straighten my hair?
The View: Why don't black women wear their natural hair?
Tip 4: It is by choice.

Tip 5: Don't ask your colleague this question. You know why it is so much longer than you saw it last week. "Your hair looks great!" is all you need to say.Men and women around the world wear extensions in their hair. Extensions make your hair longer, thicker and more desirable to your liking. But, not all extensions are the same. There is gluing, clamping and braid-ins and plug-ins. (there are probably more). I have a weave in. Weave in is not adding more hair to my existing hair. It is a method where you first plait all my hair into one long circular structure then you sew in the extensions. The extensions cover all of my own hair (giving it a break from chemicals) and the extensions act as my flowing, manageable hair for the existing period of time. Giving me a break from my constant bad hair days.
4. Why do you change your hairstyle so often?
Same reason that you visit the salon; to dye your hair blond, or cut it or style it. We want to be unique stand out of the crowd and wear the crowns of our heads proudly.
Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself. ~Hubert de Givenchy, Vogue, July 1985African women do it with more... extravagance. We can do anything with our hair naturally, chemically weaved, braided and hot ironed. A couple of hours here and lots of money spent later, I could have the choice to have my hair as free as Erykah Badu's hair or as bountiful as Kim Kardashian's hair. Anything is possible. We are all proud of who we are and want to look good when ever we put our best foot forward.
Now you know a little bit more about about ethnic hair and I can't wait to hear about your hair woes or aaah!
Tip 6: Hair is in the mood. Flaunt it!
My real hair color is kind of a dark blonde. Now I just have mood hair.
- Julia Roberts
What is your mood?
Chris Rock has a cool documentary on black women's hair called- Good Hair. I would love to see but the previews are so true and funny : D